Monday, September 26, 2011

What is a Natural Therapy?

A therapy can be classified as a natural therapy, provided:
  1. Its mode of action exists in the physical realm of existence.
    • Includes any therapy designed to manipulate the human body alone or the mind - body connection.
      • Mind - Body Connection: Considerable evidence exists to support an association between psychological states and immune function; with inflammation being one possible mode of action or mechanism.[1],[2],[3]
    • Excludes any therapy designed to work in other worlds or dimensions that are invisible to our normal senses (such as trying to manipulate spiritual, karmic, or ancestral forces and personal auras or energy flows around the human body).
  2. The therapy can be physically measured or detected.
    • The therapy must be visible to our normal senses.
    • The therapy can be either about engaging in more, reducing participation in, or avoiding entirely specific activities or lifestyles.
  3. The therapy is targeted either at health, wellness, illness, and/or healing.
    • The therapy must either promote personal health, wellness, or treat/manage a specific health condition.
      • What might be effective for treating a specific health condition, might not be recommended for promoting general health.
  4. The therapy is slow acting, simple and inexpensive.
    • Natural therapies are slow acting because they rely on the body's innate healing abilities.
    • The first choice for treating any health condition, in natural health, should always be the simplest, safest, and least expensive method available.
      • Unhealthy diets and lifestyles are corrected, first, before any nutritional supplements and herbs are taken to enhance the healing process.
  5. The therapy is under the control of the individual.
    • The therapy has to target some aspect of lifestyle that is a matter of personal choice and, thus, can be changed by that individual.

Sample Natural Therapies:[4]

  • Lifestyle
    • Going for an evening walk in the fresh air and sunshine.
    • STOP Smoking
      • Science has shown over and over again that smoking is a risk factor for most degenerative diseases.
  • Eating natural whole foods
    • If you do not eat, you will eventually starve to death.
    • The science of nutrition exists to study the effects of diet on health.
    • The health benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables has been documented by science over and over again.
      • In 1754, James Lind, a Scottish naval surgeon, conducted the first ever clinical trial, when he studied 12 sailors with scurvy to see if they could be healed by diet. Within six days, the fruits effectiveness was obvious.
        • Today, people who live on a hamburger, coke, and French fry diet often suffer from borderline scurvy due to a lack of fruit in their diet.
  • Nutritional supplements
    • Research on the value of nutritional supplements for preventing specific lifestyle diseases has shown mixed results.
      • Some studies support taking a daily multivitamin, while other studies do not.
    • Research on the value of nutritional supplements for treating or managing specific health conditions has been generally favorable, depending on the specific supplement used and the specific health condition treated..
      • Specific supplements are effective only for certain health conditions.
    • Exercise therapy has been proven by science over and over again to reduce the risk of getting most lifestyle diseases.
    • Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night.
    • Taking yoga lessons.
    • Practicing counting meditation.

Longevity Anti-Aging Therapy 

Our longevity and anti-aging therapy is grounded in the same five key areas required for optimum natural health and wellness. Our longevity therapy is simply the Natural Health Perspective wellness program being taken seriously by you over a very long period of time.

Sure we all listen, when our bodies tell us it is time to go to the bathroom and snack when we are hungry. And, we all know when we are having a bad day. But, many people are ignoring important messages being sent to them by their bodies. Are you sensitive to what your body is saying, when your body starts to complain, or are you totally numb to these bodily sensations?
The basic premise of this web site is that if you provide your body with what it needs, it will naturally heal itself. Likewise, when you are doing something wrong that your body does not like; your body will complain about it. Are you listening?

"Unless you learn to notice and be bothered by the early, subtle stages of illness, you will lose your chances of managing your body through its changing cycles by simple means and will find yourself more and more dependent on outside practitioners and the costly interventions of modern hospital medicine."
-- Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, MD

It is vital that everyone becomes aware of what is normal for their own body, so that you can hear your body complaining when something goes wrong. Are you listening to your body? We all have aches and pains, but what is unusual, what is different should motivate every one of us to find out what a strange new feeling, sensation, or whatever, might be all about. Anything that you may be experiencing which feels different to you could be important enough to be worth discussing with a qualified health care provider of your choice.
You listen to your body by focusing on what you are doing, throughout the day. Many people call this being centered. The practices of meditation helps people to become more centered and live for the moment rather than always for the future.

When you come down with a headache, for example, you should be able to make a connection between your behavior and your headache. How many times have you just automatically reached for a OTC drug pain reliever when you got a headache? But, have you ever asked yourself what might have caused that headache in the first place? Have you ever observed, how often you get headaches? Could it be related to what you ate or drunk? Have you ever observed on what days of the week you usually get headaches?

In other words, healthy people are usually healthy rather than sick. But, when a healthy person does gets sick something triggered it in their environment. When you get a headache something in your immediate environment triggered it. It is your job to figure out what that something might have been. Become aware of what is triggering your headaches and you should be less likely to get another one in the future.

There are many opportunities to increase your sensitivity to, and awareness of, the true needs of your body. These include when to be active and when to rest, when to sleep and when to get out of bed, when to work and when to relax and enjoy yourself. There is more than one way to listen to your body. Periodically, measuring your body weight, waist size, body temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate are objective ways of listening to your body. Taking an appropriate blood test will quantitatively answer questions about your health status. Did you know for example, that moderately high cholesterol levels often means that your body that is trying to make more vitamin D with sunshine synthesisin your skin? The list of opportunities for listening to your body is quite long. Listening with greater interest should be part of any program of natural healing and health.

When you have symptoms, treat them with OTC medicine, if you must, but also be sure to ask yourself what those symptoms might mean. Do they indicate that there is something more serious that should be investigated? In natural health this is called a constitutional imbalance, while conventional medicine refers to them as underlying disease processes which if left untreated could lead to a serious lifestyle disease. Are your symptoms telling you that you are an experiencing a medical emergency? Or, do they mean that you should simply slow down or alter your lifestyle in some way?

Learning to answer these challenging questions is a part of dealing with the problems of living a good life.
In conclusion: everybody must decide for themselves, including physicians, when something is wrong, and whether or not it is a medical emergency. The natural health way of doing this is called listening to your own body. Find out what is normal for you. And, learn to recognize when your body starts to complain.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Cancer Cure Video Circled the Globe in 31 Minutes
     Every 60 seconds someone dies from cancer -- and every 3 minutes, someone new is diagnosed with cancer. That someone could even be you. If you know anyone who's suffering from cancer, you *must* watch this 5-minute video. This is the video that that pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to watch.
When this video was first put online, it was viewed by 129,000 people within 31 minutes.Send the link to everyone who has cancer. You might even end up saving someone's life. Click here to watch the video now.

Natural Cancer Cures Found in Common Fruit Seed

You probably saw the tragic photos of actor Patrick Swayze as he deteriorated rapidly as a result of the chemotherapy treatments he received for his pancreatic cancer. He looked as emaciatedas a prisoner from a concentration camp when he died in 2009 at the age of 57.

How to Prevent and Cure Cancer Without 
Using Toxic Conventional Treatments

Patrick’s death caused Hollywood actress Suzanne Somers, to say … 

“They took this beautiful man and they basically put poison in him. Why couldn’t they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins in his body?” Somers, who cured herself of breast cancer, went on to say that Swayze died not from his pancreatic cancer but instead from chemotherapy. 

Ty Bollinger, a former Certified Public Accountant, couldn’t agree more.

natural cancer curesTy never thought much about cancer treatments until cancer killed 7 of his family members, including both his parents. He echoed Suzanne Somers’s declaration, saying: “You see, my loved ones died not so much from cancer as from the poisonous, barbaric cancer treatments. They died because they listened to their doctors and trusted their advice. They died because they didn’t ‘step outside the box’ and consider natural cancer cures.”

He then embarked on a lifelong quest to uncover the truth about cancer. The things he discovered were shocking!
Here’s just one of them:

One of the most powerful natural cancer treatments in the world comes from the seed of a common fruit, which Americans routinely throw out in the trash. Ty found out that a vitamin found in that seed can be used as a high-dose treatment to cure even terminal cancer.

Case Studies Prove that This Common Fruit Seed Banishes Cancer Again and Again

The cancer industry put a halt to the studies of this seed years ago, but the research that was conducted showed remarkable promise. Consider just a few of the many powerful stories from people who beat their own cancers.
In 1972, Dale Danner, doctor of podiatry, developed cancer in both lungs, with a painful mass in his right thigh. He had a 10-day supply of the seed extract injected into an artery and awoke 36 hours later greatly improved. He began conventional doses of this natural treatment and returned to work several months later.
Carol Vencious, a 20-year-old student nurse, developed a malignant tumor thought to be an amelanotic melanoma. When chemo made her too sick to continue, she went to the Richardson Cancer Clinic for a metabolic treatment program including this seed substance. As a result, she made a complete recovery.
Alicia Buttons (wife of the late actor Red Buttons) had her “terminal” throat cancer treated with the natural seed extract by Dr. Hans Nieper in Hanover, Germany. Nieper was a major advocate of the natural seed cure and claimed an almost 50% cure rate with it. Well over 23years after her treatment, Alicia was still alive and well.
Powerful as it may be, the seed of this common fruit is just one of many powerful natural cancer treatments that work. Here are just a few others that Ty discovered:
    • The natural cure President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician used to cure his own cancer — one that you can easily make on your stove. 

 • The cancer cure with a 93% cure rate developed by an alternative doctor — and based on his 32,507 cancer patients! 

 • The natural cancer cure that vibrates cancer cells to death — the way an opera singer shatters a glass — with no damage to your normal cells 

 • 7-time Nobel Prize nominee discovers natural cure that has reversed more “terminal” cancers than perhaps any other treatment 

 • The mineral that disrupts the cancer cells’ fermentation process, starving them to death. Inexpensive and easily available, with no side effects
Ty himself is living proof that the natural cancer cures he’s discovered really do work. He cured his own 2 skin cancer lesions with a natural remedy from his own research.

The Fact Is … There are Many Natural Cures for Cancer

Linus Pauling, winner of 2 Nobel Prizes and author of several books on vitamin C and cancer, tried long ago to warn the public. “Everyone should know that the ‘war on cancer’ is largely a fraud.” The fraud is based on 2 expensive therapies that the medical establishment keeps pushing onto the unsuspecting public — and those are chemotherapy and radiation — both highly toxic and frighteningly ineffective.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to radiation and chemo, alternatives that the $200 billion cancer industry doesn’t want you to hear about. Why? Because if everyone knew about effective natural treatments — such as the ones Ty has discovered — the demand for cancer drugs and treatments would plummet.

According to some estimates, the entire medical industry would shrink to 10% if its size — that’s a $900 billion loss!

Many well-meaning doctors who believe in these natural cures are reluctant to go public because they would risk ending up on an FDA quack-watch list — or worse, losing membership in the American Medical Association — if they told you about a natural cancer cure.

But Ty Bollinger is a layman, not a doctor — so he’s free to speak the truth about the natural cancer treatments that are available out there. Ty says if he knew then what he knows today, his loved ones’ lives could have been spared.

Despite losing 7 family members to the disease, Ty no longer fears cancer. “And neither should you,” he says.
When you watch the video he’s put together titled The Secret of People Who Don’t Get Cancer, you’ll never fear cancer again.

Now you can empower yourself with cutting edge information on healing yourself or your loved ones of cancer. Find out here how you can learn more about Ty Bollinger and his collection of natural, unconventional cancer cures that work.


World Famous Doctor Reveals Natural Cure for Arthritis

Beverly Hills, California — Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD, stunned the medical establishment and the world recently when he announced a non-drug, natural cure for arthritis — and the world’s first non-surgical joint replacement for arthritis.
This makes one wonder which is more stunning — the news that a natural cure has been found for the prevalent (and previously incurable) disease of arthritis …
… or the news that a world famous medical doctor actually prescribes this natural cure for arthritis instead of prescribing the usual drugs for arthritis pain, and surgery for joint replacement!
In any event, arthritis sufferers all over the world are breathing a collective sigh of relief — pain relief, that is — over this breakthrough discovery that could put an end to their arthritis woes forever.
Even arthritic individuals whose cartilage has been damaged (or is completely gone) have reason to rejoice. It used to be said that once damaged, cartilage can never heal. When knee cartilage is damaged, for instance, it’s a progressive condition — and the person loses more cartilage everyday until it is completely gone, the knee hurts 24 hours a day, and the only effective treatment is to replace the whole knee (through knee replacement surgery).
But now, with Dr. Sinatra’s startling discovery, knee and joint replacement may well become obsolete and rendered completely unnecessary. His natural cure has been shown to even repair and rebuild cartilage!

“This is an ingeniously easy plan. I recommend it to anyone with arthritis who is concerned about the dangers and side effects associated with drugs and painkillers. “

– Brendan Montano, MD
“…this has become my ‘go-to’ reference book for state-of-the-art information on the holistic and nutritional treatment of arthritis. Even if you don’t have arthritis, you should read this book! Absolutely brilliant!”

– Johnny Bowden, PhD, CNS, author, The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth and The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer
Dr. Sinatra is one of the very few board-certified MDs with advanced degrees in nutritional science. Prior to his discovery, the only remedies for easing the pain of arthritis and improving the flexibility and mobility of arthritis sufferers were the following:
Glucosamine supplements: But most glucosamine supplements DON’T contain the correct form of glucosamine (the one used in the majority of clinical tests) — nor the proper dose used in those trials.
Fish oil capsules: Most arthritis sufferers take a dose designed to halt ARTERY inflammation. Joint inflammation is much tougher and requires a much LARGER dose! (You must make sure you’re taking enough.)
NSAID drug pain-relievers: Yes, these do reduce the pain — but in the process they also BLOCK your body’s ability to manufacture new cartilage. Result? Your cartilage-repairing supplements actually become counter-productive to arthritis relief.
Your diet: Even though you try to “eat right,” studies show that even the most health-savvy individuals unknowingly consume foods and beverages that trigger painful inflammation in their joints and vertebrae. Find out which of these foods and beverages (masquerading as “health foods”) are actually harmful to you.
Natural Cure for Arthritis Healing Superfoods: Most people with arthritis and degenerative back problems AREN’T eating enough of these superfoods to really nourish and repair damaged cartilage and disks.

Arthritis has always been a very stubborn condition
– and has been incurable until now.

Merely taking a little fish oil or glucosamine may give you modest relief, but this isn’t enough to REVERSE the destruction of your joints and spine — or trigger their HEALING.natural cure for arthritis
To truly conquer this stubborn condition you need a “shotgun strategy” that blasts arthritis at every level — the molecular, biochemical, nutritional, physical and theemotional/psychological level.
And that’s exactly what Dr. Sinatra’s remarkable new natural cure for arthritisdoes!
I’m delighted to recommend this to you. In fact, it would be a disservice NOT to tell you about it because this solution can relieve so much needless suffering in the world.

The results are truly impressive…

Most orthopedic surgeons will tell you it is NOT possible to heal arthritis. That’s because medical schools teach doctors about painkilling drugs and joint replacement as the only “treatments” for arthritis.
But here’s what one surprised orthopedic surgeon reported after examining one of the people who tested Dr. Sinatra’s new “shotgun strategy”…
“This patient displays a remarkable recovery. His x-rays show new cartilage where there was none just one year ago…” Read his story here.

This is the closest thing to a true cure for joint and back problems we have today. And I want you — and all your friends who are suffering right now — to know about it because….

“Once you stop moving, you start dying.”

That old adage is absolutely true. Inactivity due to arthritis triggers a domino effect that leads to overweight … cardiovascular problems … incomplete circulation … toxin accumulation … metabolic disorders … and accelerated aging.
Doctors generally don’t consider arthritis to be life-threatening, but it definitely shortens your life and keeps you from enjoying every moment of your life.
Don’t let arthritis shorten your life or the life of a loved one — by even a single day. Or to rob you of the joy and pleasure this wonderful life offers when you stay active and pain-free.

Reverse Diabetes with 30 Day Diabetes Cure               0 Comments

Doctor-Recommended Drug-Free Reverse Diabetes Remedy With a 100% Success Rate

“I have never had one single patient that I have not been able to get off of their diabetes medicines.” 
– Dr. Stefan Ripich
Dr. Stefan Ripich may become the doctor most hated by the mainstream medical establishment … if he isn’t already.
That’s because he’s discovered the most inexpensive, natural, drug-free remedy for one of the most prevalent diseases of our time … diabetes. Approximately 27% of the American population (81 million people) and more than 170 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes.
And unlike other doctors who avoid disseminating news about natural cures (for fear of ridicule from colleagues in the medical industry), Dr. Ripich is sharing his discovery with anyone who cares to listen.reverse diabetes
Because of his outspoken proliferation of this natural approach to diabetes, Dr. Ripich could single-handedly threaten the multi-billion dollar diabetes cash cow. Since he has a 100% success rate in getting his patients completely OFF diabetes meds and related drugs, what would happen to the diabetes industry if diabetes medications were to become totally obsolete?
That, of course, is good news for the tens of millions of people worldwide who suffer from diabetes … but bad news for the members of the pharmaceutical and medical industries whose livelihoods depend on people’s dependence on diabetes medications.
Do you see why Dr. Ripich is bound to become very unpopular among his fellow doctors very soon?
Contrary to popular belief…

Diabetes Can Be Reversed!

This mantra is echoed by Dr. Christian K. Roberts, the lead researcher of a clinical study on diabetes conducted at the UCLA School of Medicine.

The UCLA study found that Type 2 patients were able to completely reverse diabetes in just 3 weeks by using a simple, inexpensive, utterly safe, non-drug approach. This corroborates Dr. Ripich’s contention.

More recently, a multicenter clinical research study of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) showed this same approach to be twice as effective when tested head-to-head against Glucophage, today’s leading glucose-lowering drug for Type 2 diabetes.

“Diabetes is curable and reversible,” says Dr. Ripich. “You can manage your life and your diabetes without medications. Your body has enormous power to heal itself if you get yourself in a position for that natural healing power to flow. It’s easier than you think.Reverse Diabetes with Dr. Ripich

Dr. Ripich has recently made available to the public a day-by-day,step-by-step reverse diabetes guide that has been proven to reverse Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes in 30 days or less — and it even shows people with Type 1 how to dramatically reduce their insulin dose.

Some Type 1 diabetics who had blood sugar between 400 to 450, and who were using 40 to 65 units of insulin per day have been able to dramatically lower their insulin by 80% to 12 units a day! 

Watch this 5-minute eye-opening video which shows how Dr. Ripich has been able to virtually eliminate his patients’ risk of deadly diabetic complications, such as heart attack (which is responsible for 75% of all diabetes-related deaths). Click here to watch the video and get the full story about Dr. Ripich’s 30-day diabetes cure.